Refining Processes: The Components of Dynasty Fantasy Football Team Management

Connor LaPlante

Dynasty is a game of trial and error. There is no such thing as the “perfect strategy”. I can almost guarantee you will make mistakes. We are all relatively bad at this game we play, because predicting the future is hard. All we can really hope for is to be marginally better than our league mates when it comes to making decisions. This Refining Processes series is aimed at improving our decision-making processes through experimentation. Some avenues we explore may be completely fruitless, while others may yield useful results. Regardless of the outcome, there will still be many valuable lessons to learn along the way. It’s all part of the journey to becoming a better dynasty manager.

What are the Main Components of Dynasty Team Management?

To me there are three main components of dynasty team management. You may notice each of them are loosely related to roles that exist on real NFL teams. There is of course an overlap between each component but hopefully separating them out into different components makes it easier to identify spots where we can improve our processes.

1. Execution

Execution is all about effectively implementing strategy. You could know all the undervalued players, however that information becomes a lot less useful if you struggle to execute trades to acquire them.


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