Three Rules To Add To Your Dynasty League

Ryan McDowell

With the heat of the early summer months, the football world finally slows down, but only for a short period of time. Before you know it, training camps will be kicking off and pre-season football will grace your 75” televisions. Until then, dynasty managers should be using this downtime to improve their teams, and their leagues.

As a commissioner of several dynasty leagues, I’ve found many rules and settings that have improved my leagues. I want to share a few of those with you and encourage you to add these to your own dynasty leagues or talk to your Commish about installing them.

1. Second Chance

Over ten years ago, I noticed a problem in my dynasty leagues. Each year, multiple managers were leaving the league, often citing what seemed to be a team that couldn’t be saved. Not only was this costing our league managers, but it was often difficult to find replacements to take over these subpar teams. At that time, I was holding annual dispersal drafts for new managers to divide the assets of those orphaned teams fairly.

Eventually, I was asked about the idea of an established manager joining that dispersal draft, giving up the assets on their own team as part of the player pool. I loved the idea. In fact, I created a test league called Second Chance, to see if it would work. It was a hit. Eventually, I added a Second Chance rule to all of my dynasty leagues.


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