Lineup Advice: Week 17 Wrap-up + NEWS

Jeff Haverlack

First and foremost, to all of you I want to say Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and my wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2019 for you and your family!

And, I can speak for all of us here at DLF when I say that, each of you make up our extended family!  We wouldn’t have it any other way and it’s what keeps us going.

I know the lineup advice will be far less this week and to that I say:  Thanks to the football gods!  While it’s a labor of love it’s also a tremendous amount of work and a very large burden as I know many of you take my advice directly and change your plays based on what I say.  The hardest part about this weekly piece is treating EVERY question as if it was the only one I received all week.  When time with family is already too short as is, there’s a constant balance between making sure everyone gets served as I promise each week – including my family.

I don’t believe there is any fantasy footballer out there who goes deeper than I do with each lineup decision and I do stamp each one with my own due-diligence sometimes using as many as 12+ different data points from trending metrics to something as simple, but just as critical, as the weather.  All of these points are variables in a much larger equation that result in an answer.  I wish for all of your sakes, I could be right on every call.  I wish some of them didn’t cost you games that could be the difference between a championship trophy or missing the playoffs altogether.  It happens and I do feel each wrong suggestion.

But the fact is, if I was afraid of the failure, I would retire this series.  But who would that serve?

This year, the lineup advice was largely open to all, Premium member or not.  For next year, soon in fact (I’ll get to that), we will offer this service only to our Premium members.  Those are the individuals who support DLF monetarily and they deserve to have it to themselves.  If this series has been impactful to you and you’re not a Premium member, maybe you’ll consider joining the thousands of others who call DLF home?  We can’t do what we do without coaches stepping up to support us in that way.  You’d be surprised at how much it takes to keep the lights on at DLF while maintaining the high standards we do.

If you are not a member, and would like to consider it this week before our prices rise on 1/1/2019, let me know with a comment below and I’ll offer you a promotional code.  Supplies are limited and the code will expire with 2018. 

Most importantly, however, is the purpose of this article.  And that purpose is what makes DLF so different than all other fantasy sites.  Through this weekly offering, I get to interface with each of you on a personal level.  No, it’s not the same as sitting down and sharing a coffee or a beer, but we get to connect over this passion of ours and in that connection, I/we get to establish a relationship.  What other site with thousands of members seeks to get to know each of their members individually through this interaction?  It’s what drives us here at DLF and it’s a promise we offer each of you.

As the last seconds of the old year tick away and the first seconds of the new year arrive, I will be extending the depth of this “Advice” series into the off-season to cover all other topics including trades, draft/rookie analysis, commissioner help, roster building, strategy, add/drop, etc. etc.  There are no limits to what can be asked and I’ll be here all off-season helping our members to prepare for 2019 in whatever way YOU need me to.  I may be crazy but we’re going to give it a shot.  You deserve it.

Many other fantasy services offer this type of advice with varying price tags but we’ll be offering this simply as another value-addition to our monthly or annual subscription cost.  It’s that simple!

Lastly, we’ve reached the final week of the regular season and this is your chance to say whatever you are thinking about either this season, your fantasy results, DLF or my advice given here in this series..  This is your time to share or rant, if you like, about my advice or the season at large.  And what a strange season it was, especially during the playoffs.    We love to know when we’ve made a difference for our members but we also are committed to listening to ALL comments, be they positive or negative.  I’ve got broad shoulders but, at the same time, nothing pleases me more than when I hear we/I have made a difference in your fantasy experience.

Call out to you DLF, what say you?




jeff haverlack