Rich Cooling: Dynasty Fantasy Football Superflex Rankings Explained

Welcome back to another installment in our series of articles where DLF rankers not only explain their dynasty fantasy football rankings, but also include a number of the 2024 rookie draft pick selections so you can see how we each, individually, value those dynasty rookie picks in comparison to players as if it were a dynasty fantasy football startup draft. As would be expected, you will find a great degree of variability in the valuation of these picks as well depending on the style of the ranker. Each draft class has its own quality and depth and, depending on how the ranker values that quality and depth, individual rookie selections will appear earlier or later on the list.
Be sure to catch all of the Dynasty Fantasy Football Rankings Explained series.
DLF has always offered our readers multiple sets of dynasty fantasy football rankings from different experts to provide a broad view of player rankings. With many different strategies for building a successful dynasty team, no single set of rankings could possibly meet the needs of every coach. Instead, we've long subscribed to the idea of our experts providing their own individual rankings, ultimately giving our readers the opportunity to gravitate to a particular expert who closely matches their own style of ranking or, perhaps, instead choosing to use an average ranking across all experts.
A note about the tables. The Rank column indicates this ranker's personal rankings. The AVG column indicates the consensus rankings value at the time these rankings were created. The "+/-" column indicates how much higher or lower the ranker is to the consensus average.
Each week we will provide rankings for 120 players and 2024 rookie draft picks, alternating between 1QB and Superflex rankings. For a deeper list of rankings, please visit our consensus dynasty fantasy football rankings.
When approaching ranks, I do not view them as a series of rankings. I instead approach them from a value perspective. I assign a value on a scale of 1-100 for every player, creating my rankings from the values rather than the other way around. For example, Josh Allen is worth 100, and Jared Goff is worth 50, so I would theoretically trade two Jared Goffs for one Josh Allen.
Analyzing my ranks list as a whole, I think there are probably a couple of overarching takeaways that I thought were worthwhile to share. First of all, I am much higher on the QB2 types than consensus. This is probably because, in Superflex, I value the stability of a solid and reliable QB2 and am happy to pay the price to acquire them. I am also much lower than consensus on the elite running backs. This is primarily because I don't want to pay up for a running back given the potential short shelf life of the position; when they hit, they are league winners; however, in a startup draft, I would prefer to build around other positions and pay up for aging veterans in a one or two-year window.
The final takeaway is the cost of the young elite tight ends. I am considerably lower than consensus on nearly all of the expensive tight ends. A big part of this is because I don't believe we are currently seeing a positional advantage in terms of points per game at the position. Travis Kelce gave up to 8 points per game over a replacement-level player in previous years. As great as LaPorta and McBride were last year, they only produced four points per game over a replacement-level player. That production is not something I am looking to pay up for early in a startup draft.
Now, let's jump into the rankings!
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