DLF Community Supports Toys for Tots

Jeff Miller


A few weeks back DLF launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for the Las Vegas chapter of Toys for Tots. Thanks to the generosity of 23 different donors, we raised $785! On the 11th of December, my wife, daughter and I hit the isles of Toys R Us for an epic shopping trip.

The goal was to buy nice toys without blowing too large of a portion of our budget on any single item; we wanted a balance of quality and quantity. We were also careful to avoid toys that required batteries or other potentially expensive additions in order for the toy to be used as intended. With my wife’s help and my daughter’s vast wealth of toy expertise, I was able to continually check the box score for the Cardinals/Rams Thursday Night Football game.

Oh, and we bought stuff.


Three cart loads, in fact. We started with two, but then a nice thing happened. As we went to pay, the cashier wondered aloud why we had approximately 900 Barbies. When she found out it was going to be left there for Toys for Tots pick up, she phoned her manager, who came over and offered us a 15% discount on the whole lot of it! That savings, along with some other discounts we took advantage of while shopping, left us with a bit more to spend. Hence the third filled cart.

The brilliant experience my family and I had shopping couldn’t have happened without the donors. I owe you all a deep, personal gratitude. But as much fun as we had buying, the kids who these toys are going to will have an order of magnitude more.

Now that I’ve shared the fun part, I need to do some housekeeping.

In the interest of transparency, you will find some photos of the amount of money withdrawn from GoFundMe as well as the full receipts from Toys R Us below.




You may notice the amount withdrawn ($716.12) is considerably less than the amount donated ($785). GoFundMe does charge a fee for their service. In this case, it amounted to $68.88, which is just a hair under 9%. We ended up spending $785.14, with Santa Claus himself making up the $69.02 difference (he’s real, you guys).

Thank you again to the donors and to the DLF Partners for helping me make this happen. I’d also like to thank all of you who took a moment to tweet and retweet about the fund raiser. Your spreading the word undoubtedly helped us reach the level we did.

Happy holidays to all of you from myself, my wife, daughter and my extended family here at DLF.

jeff miller