The 2016 DLF Live Draft
The success of DLF has allowed for growth with more writers. I value relationships very much, and wanted to meet some of my coworkers. Last August, I had the pleasure of having lunch with Scott Fish and Rob Willette which made me wonder just how many DLF employees lived in the midwest? And could I meet more? (Nick does some recon.) The number was significant enough for an even better idea – a live, in person, dynasty draft!
After dozens of emails, we got our group together, decided on a location, and set out the scoring, format, and rules.
Austan Kas, George Kritikos, Mo Brewington, Trevor Bucher, Carla Gruse, Ryan Finley, Brian Malone, Brian McDowell, Izzy Elkaffas, Dan Meylor, Jacob Feldman, Dan Sainio and myself. 13 DLF writers were making the trip to Chicago for the draft. Considering the odd number, McDowell and Malone joined forces to form one franchise. I’ve coined them the super team of Stockton and Malone, but I digress.
League and Team Names
After some good discussion, we decided to create team names of players who we were originally high on before they busted. The location of the draft was going to be in Chicago, which caused some conflicts with the Lollapaloosa music festival. Therefore, we named our league Bustapalooza – Here’s a link to the league. Mark Orns did a great job creating all of the team banners, and can be followed on Twitter at @Mark_in_MI. Malone and Gruse decided to co-commish the league.
Scoring and Starting Lineups
League scoring is a fairly standard PPR league with two exceptions. The first is that tight ends get a .5 bump per reception, and running backs also get .25 points per carry. League rules include 25 roster spots with 3 additional IR if needed. Starting lineups: 1-2 QB, 2-4 RB, 3-6 WR, 1-4 TE.
League Style
Victory points. While the league is one division and head to head, this system rewards the highest point scorers each week as well.
Standard playoffs in weeks 14, 15, and 16. The consolation/toilet/loser bracket is playing for the 1.13 rookie pick. This is a rule I really enjoy because it helps those teams rebuild more quickly.
Now all of the league details are out of the way, I’ll discuss the overall weekend. We had owners traveling in from Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. This is the part that made it special because people were sacrificing time with family, jobs, money, etc to participate in this draft.
Izzy met at my house in Wisconsin, and we drove down to Chicago together. I attempted to obtain some intel on his draft strategy, but he threw that key away years ago.
Lollapalooza created lots of traffic, both with cars and pedestrians walking where they wanted. A few of us decided to meet up at a pizza place called Lou’s on Friday evening. Izzy, myself and John Moeser (Co-Owner and Media savant for walked there. On the way, I realized I wasn’t in Kansas anymore as the attires from Lollapalooza were, well, different than what I normally observe.
Even though Lou’s was packed, we still were able to have good conversations meeting everyone. Austan Kas arrived early and was able to get our name on the list, which saved everyone lots of time (gold star for Austan). I was able to meet Carla Gruse and her husband Rich, Ryan McDowell and his wife Erin, and Dan Meylor and his wife Julie. Only a short time later, Waz (FF Couch Coach) came to Lou’s as well with his wife Bruna.
I would argue the pizza wasn’t as good as the company. A conversation with Austan on Urban Meyer and his days with Alex Smith at the University of Utah sparked this. Being at the other end of the table, I only caught part of a Bitcoin conversation between Waz and Dan Meylor. But I have a feeling this tweet had something to do with it. If you ever need someone to organize a bill or debate an extra pizza we didn’t order on a bill, Izzy is your guy.
My team name is the Rashaan Salaami Sammich. I was so excited when Chicago drafted him in 1995 that I got almost every rookie card and even had Salaam sign my jersey in training camp. I was less excited, but still thought it would be funny to bust out the jersey (took me a while to find it) for the draft.
The Aberdeen Tap was gracious enough to accommodate our group. Izzy, John and myself met a group of people outside of the establishment five minutes before it opened. It was there I met Jacob Feldman, Trevor Bucher and his wife Alex, Brian Malone, Mo Brewington and his wife Tiana, Dan Sainio, and Ryan Finley. George Kritikos was there too and even though I’ve met him a dozen times, if I don’t add that he was there he won’t do the DLF Filmetrx Podcast with me again.
Malone brought a huge draft board, and Carla’s husband, Rich, was on point the whole draft getting those stickers up there and writing down names. Word on the street is kids are starting up a new dance called #TheRich, it’s trending on Twitter, in honor of his hustle. Izzy, Moeser and I stepped out onto the patio area to determine the draft order. We used cards and lotto balls to create chance. Izzy got the first pick, so it was obviously rigged (feel free to comment on if his lotto ball was heavier, he marked the #1 card, etc).
The week before the draft started, we debated not using computers and going old school because it was a live draft. We made sure nobody was using a computer, even if it took Malone beating Kritikos in a thumb war battle. No trading was allowed during the draft to prevent delays. 22 rounds of the draft were completed in almost four hours with no clock needed – very revealing of how good and serious the owners were with the draft.
George and I didn’t bring any rankings to the draft. Don’t ever do this. It forced us more stress than needed trying to remember players. Waz, real name Rob, came to the draft and tweeted out every single pick! His thumbs started cramping up in the 14th round and was forced to ice between picks after the 18th. Erin, Ryan McDowell’s wife, entered all of the picks into MFL. We found out throughout the weekend she’s the secret behind the McDowell empire. John Moeser deserves a shout out as well for all of his video expertise. He filmed all of the interviews and a post draft recap, as well as, putting up with Izzy and me all weekend. Also, Izzy for interviewing draft participants and still making his picks.
Getting sniped on picks was a regular ordeal, and you could tell because some owners had to take a bunch of time to make the next pick. Watching the super team of Stockton and Malone work during the draft was fun! They had a number code to talk and lots of whispering across the table.
After the draft, we broke off into different groups. Some went to see some of the sights Chicago had to offer. Others needed to get a drink after a stressful draft. While some needed to hit the road for the long trip back. I appreciate each and every one of you for being a part of this. It took a special group to pull this off.
Draft Awards
Best Draft = Jacob Feldman. He picked right after me and I got sniped multiple times (Nick scowls as he types). Jacob’s team is deep and has a good starting lineup, outside of TE.
Best Dressed = Dan Sainio. Dan looked like he just won the US Open and was coming today just to win the draft on his way home.
Loudest Drafter = Dan Meylor. When he made a pick, you heard it.
Quietest Drafter = Izzy Elkaffas. He had to repeat the picks he made to #TheRich. One time he handed him a note that #TheRich had to decipher the code for 10 minutes before he found out it said, “be sure to drink your Ovaltine.”
Most prepared = Trevor Bucher. Maybe it was because Trevor was across from me and I had no lists, but it looked like he had an encyclopedia of knowledge over there.
Boldest = Carla Gruse/Ryan Finley/Trevor. Each of them attacked the draft in different ways and went after it. Even if I don’t agree with it, I respect it.
Migraine = George Kritikos. I’m pretty sure I saw George rubbing his head a few times trying to remember the names of players (I take second place on this award because I rubbed my head too, haha). Or because he was the first person to pick a player already drafted.
Secret-keepers = Brian Malone/Ryan McDowell. I touched on this earlier, but they were like bread and butter. No secrets were getting out with those two.
Pulled hamstring = Mo Brewington. He started out the draft sprinting making picks quicker than #TheRich was ready. But somewhere near the 11th round, Mo pulled up lame on the football field. He toughed out the rest of the draft, but his picks got delayed as he was trying to cross them off on his magazine.
Most fun = Ryan Finley/Dan Meylor. Both guys had fun talking about picks, even when they got sniped.
Condensation Collector = Nick Whalen. If you ever wondered how many different ways condensation from a vent can mess with you during a draft, read the next sentence. Drops on head, neck, pad of paper with NFL team names (it was all I had!), on my food, and into my glass of water at least five times. If this is my last article because i’m poisoned, you know where it came from!
Picking a player I’ve never heard of before = Mo Brewington. Have you ever heard of Canaan Severin? I sure haven’t before. But if he busts out, i’m going to be going to Mo for some sleepers!
Best overall = Austan Kas. Sorry everyone, Austan had the best combination of a good draft + preparation + nice guy + put up with me talking about X’s and O’s.
Draft Videos
Some of these will be repeated but they earned it.
Waz = Thank you for coming out to meet us and tweeting out every pick.
Erin = For putting all of the picks into MFL.
Rich = Working the draft board better than Vanna White.
John Moeser = Not sure I can thank you enough for the video production, editing, producing, and putting up with me all weekend.
Tiana, Alex, Julie, Erin, Rich = For supporting your spouse, going on this trip and attending the draft.
DLF Partners = You know why, but thank you.
Aberdeen Tap/Lou’s = For some good food and putting up with us.
Scott Fish and Rob Willette = If my interaction with you last year didn’t go well, I never would’ve started down this journey. Both of you exceeded my expectations tenfold. Great men.
Mark Orns = Great work on the team banners.
NO Thanks
Waitress at Lou’s = From lying to us about the Pizza’s being in the oven (unless their Pizza’s take 45 mins to bake) to spilling a drink on Izzy and not apologizing, overcharging us, blaming us for her overcharging us and refusing the removal of a Pizza we never ordered. She made an amazing and memorable weekend that much more amazing and memorable. So kind of thank you for that?
[youtube id=”0Kz7NSqNLHE” align=”center” maxwidth=”1000″]
- Dynasty Capsule: Chicago Bears - February 1, 2017
- Dynasty 101: Trading - September 5, 2016
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