DLF Welcomes The Fantasy Draw

Ken Kelly

DLF has occasionally been accused of being, well, a little stuffy at times. I fully admit we have a team of dedicated souls who dive into data, spreadsheets, metrics and a wide variety of different philosophical discussions about how to build a team. What many of you may not know is we also have a team of very witty and funny individuals as well. We realize it’s important to have fun with this crazy game and we love and we do try to add some personality to our writing when we can. On occasion, we do admit it can get a little “heavy.”

Enter “The Fantasy Draw.”

We’re happy to announce we’ve added Brad Carey (@thefantasydraw) to Team DLF as our official creator of webcomics. Yes, you read that right, webcomics. Brad is the creator of thefantasydraw.com and he creates hysterical comic strips about fantasy football. Brad will be giving DLF exclusive webcomics throughout the year for us to use within our weekly updates, random player features or wherever we feel we need something to bring you off the ledge, so to speak.

We welcome Brad and the team from “The Fantasy Draw” to DLF and are very excited to add something very unique to the site. We sincerely hope you enjoy these additions to the end of a few articles throughout the season and beyond. As a sneak preview, here are a couple Brad made as we moved into re-draft season.



Make sure you check out his complete site for more great fun and check back here often for our exclusive webcomics.


ken kelly