Week Three NFL Pick’em!

Scott Fish


Hey there fellow football fans!

If you didn’t play in either of the last two weeks and are just finding out about this now, welcome! I’ll give you a quick summary – this is completely free to play and you can win prizes! Prizes include monthly and yearly DLF Premium subscriptions, DLF tshirts, cash and a potential spot in the largest fantasy league in the industry. As always, we must have rules. I won’t bore you with them here, I’ll put them at the bottom and you can check them out later. There are weekly, quarterly and end of season prizes!

Last week we had five people tie in our pick’em contest by correctly guessing 13 of the 16 NFL games! Congratulations go out to Adrian Marson and Scott Rogers. They both won a free month of DLF Premium! I will be contacting them shortly!

Remember, you can miss a few weeks and still be eligible for quarterly and year-long prizes. You merely have to make picks for 3 out of every 4 weeks for the quarterly prize and 13 out of 17 weeks for the year-long ultimate champion prize!

Enough of that, now pick the games!

Week Three Team DLF Predictions

2014 DLF Community Pick’em Rankings

2014 Team DLF Pick’em Rankings

NFL Pick’em Contest Prizes:

  • Every week, at least one person will win a month of DLF Premium. This will be the person with the highest percentage correct.
  • After week 4, at least one person with the highest percentage correct in weeks 1-4 will win a year of DLF Premium. You may skip one week.
  • After week 8, at least one person with the highest percentage correct in weeks 5-8 will win a year of DLF Premium. You may skip one week.
  • After week 12, at least one person with the highest percentage correct in weeks 9-12 will win a year of DLF Premium. You may skip one week.
  • After week 16, at least one person with the highest percentage correct in weeks 13-16 will win a year of DLF Premium. You may skip one week.
  • After week 17, an ultimate champion will be crowned. You are allowed to skip 4 weeks over the course of the season. The ultimate winner will receive $50, a year of DLF Premium, A DLF tshirt and a guaranteed spot in the 2015 ScottFishBowl competing alongside 240 analysts in the fantasy industry and 120 fans.

NFL Pick’em Contest Rules:

  • This is completely free.
  • Pick the winner for each and every game in the upcoming NFL week. Thursday games are the only games that are optional.
  • Picks must be received before kickoff of the Sunday games (If there are Saturday games, the deadline is kickoff Saturday).
  • You may submit more than once if you change your mind, however, the most recent submission is the only one that will be accepted.
  • Your picks are timestamped, so you won’t get credit if you pick it after the game has started.
  • Winners will be chosen by highest percentage correct (i.e. 12/15 = 80.00%). Up to 5 people may win per week. If more than 5 people tie for the top percentage in a week, the teams with more correct picks get the advantage. If there is a tie in percentage and number of correct picks, the winners will be chosen at random.
  • The Thursday game(s) each week will be completely optional. They will serve as bonus game. If you choose to pick it, it will count for or against your record.


Scott Fish